Hamidbar Medaber - The Desert Speaks

Many of the great prophets in Judaism (and other religions, too) spent substantial time in the desert. The sublime peace and openness speaks to the heart and soul in ways few others places can. There is a word play in Hebrew where if one switches up the  vowels of the word desert (midbar), one reads medaber (speaks). We experienced this today at Amudei Amram, towering sandstone structures around 20 minutes from Eilat. The area features many different types of rock all in the same location, a product of the shifting techtonic plates along the Syrian-African rift. It a rare occurrence to see limestone, sandstone and basalt all layered together and the result is in the pictures below.  In addition to the requisite climbing, we spent fifteen minutes in pure silence, listening to sounds of the desert (and ourselves) without any interference from the outside world.



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